AtoZ, Blog Challenge, Books, Fantasy Fiction, Historical Fiction, Middle East Region, South East Asia, Women authors, Young Adult

Magnipend – 5 books that have stolen my heart forever

Certain bookish gems that never seem to fade out and one can never have enough of them. I am talking about 5 such beauties that I have had the good fortune to read in my life and feel the need to share with other readers. … Read More Magnipend – 5 books that have stolen my heart forever

AtoZ, Blog Challenge, Books, Fantasy Fiction, Women authors

[N] Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern #AtoZ | Book Review |

Star crossed lovers who are also magicians and are dueling each other with out knowing who the other is to set up magical dream like illusions that seem to bewitch even the most hard hearted person – this is Night Circus! A must have on your TBR folks.… Read More [N] Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern #AtoZ | Book Review |